As I will be on my feet to look out for opportunities to reach my $10,000 a month target, check often into my blog to share my dreams as well as yours!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Get a free share and earn money daily!

At MyFreeShares, you will get a free share after joining. Bet you are not satisfied with just one share. Would you like to have more shares? Then , do the followings:
1. click the links in MyFreeShares.
2. sign up for free and paid offers.
3. purchase advertising in MyFreeShares. ( 2 shares are awarded for $1 advertisement)
4. refer people to MyFreeShares. ( 1 share for an active referral)

N0w that you have many shares, you might ask "What's next?". The advertising money earned daily in MyFreeShares will be given to you according to the number of shares you have. For example, if today earning is $10 and there are a total of 1,000 shares and you owe 100 shares, then
your earning for today=$10/1,000x100=$1

So from now onwards, everyday is a pay day for you. A residual income for life. Not happy with the amount of money you have? Then get more shares to earn a bigger portion of MyFreeShares daily earning. Cash out is at $10 through AlertPay, PayPal, and E-gold. Make sure you log in at least once every 100 days to prevent your account from being terminated.


Anonymous said...

Is this similar to how stock markets work? Why not just purchase stocks?



LeoCW said...

No, StockWe is similar to the off line stock market. Myfreeshare is not! If you do the activities in Myfreeshare such as clicking links, your shares will increase. So the more shares you have, the more will be your daily earning. The best part is you don't need to pay $ to make $.So zero financial risk!!!

Laura said...

This blog is excellent. It is bedtime here now but I will be returning tomorrow to sign up to this site!!