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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

All in One

I have been looking for a free traffic exchange to boost my blog visibility and signups for the programs that I promote. My discovery of EnchantedHits as a credible traffic exchange that not only fulfills the above purposes but also let you get paid led me to signup immediately. EnchantedHits lets you surf other members sites automatically to earn credits for your sites to be displayed. While you're surfing, look out for the slot wheel at the lower left hand corner of your screen. Clicking it to spin the reels could earn you an extra 25 credits. It comes up often throughout the day and can add plenty of extra credits to your account.

The site also has a weekly and monthly surfing contests that allow you to earn cash as well as all the free traffic. Top surfers will earn cash in these contests. EnchantedHits allows you to promote your site to visitors via site views and banner impressions.

As I am new to EnchantedHits, I am still looking out for the Cash Mine Page where clicking on it will earn you cash rewards. Browsing the net, I find that EnchantedHits is certified free from adware, scam, spyware and spam by McAfee Site Advisor.

Where else you could get free traffic plus getting paid for it? So far, as I know, only EnchantedHits and GalacticGold let you do that. Even though GalacticGold also rewards its top surfers, it doesn't let you surf members websites automatically. When its 25 sec timer is up, you have to click certain number or alphabet to move on to the next site.

1 comment:

NazRism said...

hi ... surf this